Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For at the proper time we will reap a harvest IF WE DO NOT GIVE UP! (Gal.6:9)

Wowzzers! I know, I know, I know, it's been OVER a month and I've not blogged. Let me explain. God has been moving mighty fast this past month. I've been in a constant state of "wow-ness" making it very difficult to know how to articulate what is happening, much less how I feel! Throughout this process, I've been overwhelmed by the amount of people who are truly believing in the Jesus in me. It's extremely humbling and I'm overflowing with gratitude...again a situation where I simply don't have words to express it. Thank you just doesn't suffice.
So, on with the update you say....I will start with today and move backwards. TODAY I went with my sweet friend Renee and participated in a workshop at MERCY MINISTRIES for people who have a specific calling to open up a girls home. I was definitely the youngest lady there. In some weird way I was encouraged by that. There were many more things that were encouraging. Encouraged that this dream/calling is REALISTIC, encouraged that I can learn from a successful ministry of what has and has not worked, encouraged with new ideas, encouraged with strategies, encouraged with resources, an example of a biblical-based counseling model, testimonies, etc.,etc., the list could go on and on! I soaked it up like a sponge, but I'm not gonna brain hurts.
This past Saturday I had my first official board meeting. Talk about dry mouth, arm pit sweat, and heart beating out of my chest. I think most of these symptoms were due to excitement; however, making a presentation to your friends/board is a little nerve-racking and something new and different for me. Overall, I think it went pretty well. I just need to work on not talking so fast. I just get too excited and passionate. I guess that's not a bad thing, just needs a little tweaking! Our next board meeting is April 2nd! My prayer has continued to be that Jesus would stay ahead of me! Oh, something else we need in regards to the board is someone with a legal background. There are some attorney's who people have suggested we consider. I'm asking that God would provide an attorney that has a heart for hurting teens and can fully support our vision. Please join me in praying for these. I got a feeling this past weekend that things are going to continue to move at a rapid pace.
MORE GOOD NEWS!!! I received my EIN#. This is super exciting for me. It just means we are one step closer to officially having all the paperwork completed, filed, and returned to be an official non-profit! G.I.R.L.S. Ranch is able to take monetary donations with a good feeling that we can insure those that give will receive a contribution deduction this year. That's a great feeling! Fundraising will begin shortly. Brainstorming has started and ideas are beginning to flow!! As a visionary, I feel like I need someone to help record what I envision. I sometimes have difficulty knowing the exact steps needed to take to make it happen. I'm praising the LORD that He has placed specific people in my life to know what those steps are. I'm completely OK and VERY COMFORTABLE saying that I CANNOT do this alone!!
CHICAGO!! I'm leaving on Friday morning and attending a youth ministry conference in Chicago. I'm very, very excited. Simply Youth Conferencee is a "conference created for youth workers by youth workers." I hear this conference will rock my socks off. They talk about real issues and hurts that teens experience. I will get the opportunity to meet Megan Hutchinson. Renee and I are actually staying with her. She co-authored the program I co-lead on Thursdays nights, Life Hurts God Heals. Super excited to meet her and pick her brain! I will also get to hear Louie Giglio speak! amazing. Shane & Shane (one of my all time favorites) will be leading some of the worship. I'm ready to be recharged and challenged. OOOOZZZZING with excitement. Not too excited about the freezing weather in Chicago. I hate snow.
So, as you can see my life has been full! I love a full life. I have some other fun things that have happened...but why write it all at once? I will hopefully be more consistent with the updates. As you can see they are coming in quickly.
Although there have been a TON of open doors and people saying "yes" I believe in you...there have been times I've questioned and wondered if I'm qualified and gifted enough...the verse Galatians 6:9 has been something that I held on to this week...if we "DO NOT GIVE UP!" Don't worry folks...I'm not giving up!

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