Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here we go....

So, this blog thing is very new to me. Some may think I'm behind times or have lived under a rock, but I just never felt it necessary to write about my life. Honestly, I never feel people care enough about what's going on in my life to read about it. If they do care...they call me. I've also been a little insecure about my writing skills. So, don't judge. However, now that I'm moving into the next chapter of my life, blogging seems necessary. Never thought I'd say that. So, here we go!!!

G.I.R.L.S Ranch...God In Real Life Situations. I'm sitting here at a local coffee shop trying to wrap my head around this huge vision God has given me. I'm not sure there are words to express the amount of emotion that comes with even typing "G.I.R.L.S Ranch." For many years, I've dreamed of developing my own faith-based non-profit. I've loved working with inner-city youth for many years and over the past 2.5 years as a school counselor God has broadened that love for hurting kids in general...especially girls. About one year ago, I was sitting in a counselor's office and she asked me what I dream about. She had to ask that question didn't she. I've always been a big dreamer. However, about a year and a half ago some of those dreams started to seem impossible. It wasn't until Mrs.Patsy asked me to define my dream and to write it on paper that I began to see glimpses of hope again and that these visions and dreams could come true.
So, it's a year and some months later since that conversation with counselor Patsy. Guess what, I've begun the process of developing a non-profit. How exciting!! How hard!!!! I think I've got my work cut out for me. Sometimes I feel a little naive about the amount of work that will be involved in this, but I also know that I serve a HUGE GOD who created the universe and if this is what He has called me to do, then shooot...I'm there. How could I pass up this dream. How could I say no.
G.I.R.L.S Ranch I imagine being a home that serves girls ages 9-17. Why so young you ask? Well, as a school counselor working with girls 3rd-5th grade my socks have been blown off by the level of hurt and pain these kids are experiencing at such a young age. Abandonment, sexual and physical abuse, neglect, sexual promiscuity, drug addicted and incarcerated parents, rape...the list could go on. You combine those issues with low self-esteem, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and NO Jesus, you have a downward cycle of self-destructive behaviors leading nowhere but to a life without hope. Without hope there is NOTHING.
A lot of the kids that I work with are living in poverty which prevents them from receiving adequate care. Most of them could not afford the therapy that they need. Many of them are products of their environments and need to learn new coping skills and the JESUS I know. They need to know AND believe He wants to restore their HOPE IN HIM and give them a new life...a life that he designed for them...a life that is above and beyond what they could imagine for themselves.
So, as of now, I've hired an attorney and begun the process for starting a non-profit. I've been meeting with some very special people in my life and have asked some to sit on the board of directors for G.I.R.L.S Ranch. You may wonder what I'm doing in the meantime...you know, before I have a physical building/home for these girls. I am completely comfortable with this being a very slow process. I think it's very important to heed God's direction and take it slow. I want every step to be ordered by him. So, that's what I'm doing. I'm networking with the people in Rutherford County. I'm currently co-facilitating a 12-Step program for kids who struggle with addiction and/or pain called Life Hurts God Heals. Awesome. My hope is to see it as a referral source for the courts in the Spring of 2011.
I did observe juvenile court yesterday and God was so great. He made sure I got to speak with the juvenile judge for a few moments. She was open to hear more about Life Hurts God Heals that she asked I schedule a meeting with her after the New Year. Done and Done!! Thank you Jesus.
Sooo...there is the update with my life:) I plan to use this a place where I can update myself (haha) and others on the process of G.I.R.L.S Ranch. God is doing some pretty amazing things. I've not got all the answers or all the details of what this is to look like. I just know that He has asked me to step out of the boat so that young girls can receive healing and freedom. So, that's what I'm doing. I beg you to bruise your knees with me (not literally) but spiritually. I need your prayers. Prayers for discernment, wisdom, a few more "YES'" from potential board of directors, potential donors, new ideas, my obedience to continue putting this before Him because it can be scary at times.
Thank you so much for taking the time to care about what's going on in my life. I'm humbled. My first blog wasn't too bad. I may like this thing after all.

I'm gonna leave you with one thing. I was feeling a little discouraged Sunday and Jesus showed me this.....

"I don't call the equipped but EQUIP the CALLED!!!"

Praise JESUS. Good thing he knows I need some equipping:)



  1. Shan!! I'm so proud of you! It's hard to believe we were talking and dreaming about this just this summer by your pool and to see so much of this come together so quickly makes you realize it can only be from God. I have missed you dearly over the last few months, but I understand it is all to the glory of God that you have been working so diligently. I think you did a great job on your first blog and I look forward to many more. I cannot wait to see you face to face tomorrow and get to see the joy on your face over what God has been laying on your heart over the past 5 yrs. I love you and I'm praying earnestly for God's direction in all of this. Once again, I'm so proud of you and honored to call you my friend!!!
    Love ya, Mel

  2. I'm so very proud of you shannnon!!! Love you much!!!

  3. Don't doubt your writing skills...you're really good! So proud!

  4. Great job, Ritchie! I am so excited to see where God leads you on this journey! Peace and Blessings!
