Thursday, December 30, 2010

Let me introduce to you...

my sweet, sweet God-sent friend!!!! Her name is RENEE and she pretty much rocks. Renee is getting her degree in Christian counseling and I'm excited to see how God uses her...I mean...if I could be honest, I 'd love her to work with me at G.I.R.L.S Ranch some day. Come on Jesus, pretty please (fingers crossed..haha)!

Anyway, last spring she got my number from a mutual friend and called me to ask if I wanted to be apart of a community group meeting in Murfreesboro. At that time I didn't know a lot of people my age in Murfreesboro so I jumped on it. Long story short, we have MANY things in common...dogs, a heart for hurting kids, JESUS, and singleness just to name a few...I truly feel blessed to know her. It's one of those friendships that you feel like you have known eachother for years...but really it's been like 9 months. I like to call it "SOUL SISTAS!!" (I hope she feels the same way:))

One of the most exciting common interest we have is our heart for hurting teens. Before meeting Renee, she spent some time in California as an intern co-facilitating a program called Life Hurts God Heals. (I mentioned it in my first blog.) Life Hurts God Heals is a twelve-step program for kids who struggle with addiction and pain. If you have heard of Celebrate Recovery it is very similar but for teens. Renee has been facilitating these groups here in Murfreesboro since she has moved back. She asked me last fall if I wanted to help her by co-leading a small group for the fall semester. I couldn't resist and definitely wasn't going to turn this opportunity down. I had actually been praying about her asking me to help lead a small group. I really wanted to be apart of what she was already doing here in Murfreesboro. She is very passionate about what she does, it's contagious, and has a natural gift working with kids. I was ready to learn from her and find out more about this program. So, I jumped on board. Since then our friendship has drawn closer and we work very well together. Toward the end of last semester I expressed an interest in offering this program to the juvenile courts as a referral source for some of the juvenile delinquent kids. She had worked with this population when she was in CALI and had the same heart!! PRAISE JESUS! So, we have been working hard at getting connected with the right people to offer this program as a referral source. Things are looking up. As I mentioned before, I went to observe court this week and the Judge asked me to return for a meeting with her after the new year. So, before that meeting, Renee and I will be going back on Monday to do a little more observing. It should be fun!! Gosh, I love this stuff...I can't type fast enough:)!!!!
A local Christian ministry did some research on the success rate of faith-based programs versus non-faith-based programs and there was an overwhelming difference. Based on this particular ministries research, faith-based treatment has a 93% success rate versus 12% for non-faith-based. This only confirms that real, LASTING, change can occur if Jesus is involved. My prayer is that as Renee and I work really hard at ministering to the teens in Murfreesboro God would show up and heal these kids from their hurts...I pray kids would be set free from addiction and pain and begin to see their value, love, worth, and forgiveness in JESUS!!! I'm very thankful that Jesus knew I needed a friend like Renee. I'm excited to see how God uses our friendship in the development of G.I.R.L.S Ranch.

Here are some pictures of my "SOUL SISTA"!!!

Her dog Brinkley (Left) and best friend Cooper...Titan would not pose for this picture. I'm sure he was off chasing something.

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