Friday, January 21, 2011

Writing is one thing...withdrawn is another...

So, you may asking yourself what in the world does she mean by "writing is one thing...withdrawn is another." Good question. When you write a check that will change your life forever it's one thing but when you see it withdrawn from your account it's another. I had written a check out to a wonderful attorney who is helping me with this whole "non-profit status" process. He rocks. Doing this all alone would really stress me out. So, I sent him my first payment about 2 months ago and it wasn't until last week that I saw the money withdrawn from my account. Talk about swallowing the largest horse pill of all mankind...I mean, I knew I wrote it, put it in an envelop, sealed it, mailed it, he got it, BUT seeing it withdrawn....whoa, it's another story. I felt like I officially have been "pushed out of the boat!" You see, I struggle with taking that first step out of the sometime I just have to be pushed!! I'm glad I was "pushed out!!" This week I was told by him that G.I.R.L.S Ranch had been approved for step 1 of this process and is now an official non-profit in Tennessee. Now we just have to work on making it official through the IRS. I don't know what it takes to make it official in the state of doesn't really matter to me...that fact that it's "official" on one level makes me want to jump out of my skin with excitement. I can't tell you how tempting it was for me to go outside and run around my house screaming.....WWWWWWAAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!! It's cold so I didn't.
So join me in Praising our Jesus that things are moving forward and looking good!

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